景文峰,王海晖,王清安,李湘滨,邵剑.林火蔓延预测计算机图形显示系统[J].火灾科学,1993,2(2):44-51. |
林火蔓延预测计算机图形显示系统 |
A Graphical System for Predicting Fire Spread over Wildland Fuels |
投稿时间:1993-05-01 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:国家森林防火灭火研究开发基金项目 |
中文关键词: 火蔓延 图形显示 |
英文关键词:Fire spread graphical display |
摘要点击次数: 612 |
全文下载次数: 721 |
中文摘要: |
通过借鉴Rothermel(1972年)建立的林火蔓延的数学模型。提出了适合我国林区可燃物分布特性的火蔓延数学模型,并在其基础上筑构出用于估算特定可燃物分布状况、变环境条件下火蔓延趋势的专家系统—FF—1G软件。该软件能迅速、直观地显示出复杂地形条件下,相应的环境风速作用时地表火火蔓延不同阶段的过火区域分布状况。对若干实例计算的结果表明,其可靠性高,实用性强,应用背景广。 |
英文摘要: |
A mathematical model of fire spread over wildland fuels has been advanced, that is fit for the actual situations of the forest in our country. On the basis, a graphical display system, named FF—1G software, has been worked out for estimating the tendency of fire spread over certain combustible materials on the ground in forest with complicated to pography and different conditions of weather.The system is constructed by C, FORTRAN, and ASSEMBLY languages. By easily operating, it can rapidly give the images of the status of fire spread under different stages.The results from examples show that the system is reliable and practicable. |
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