刘团结,廖光煊,范维澄.扬沸过程火焰辐射的估算[J].火灾科学,1994,3(1):. |
扬沸过程火焰辐射的估算 |
Calculation of Thermal Radiation from Boilover Fires |
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中文关键词: 扬沸 热辐射 燃烧速率 |
英文关键词:Boilover Thermal radiation Burning rate. |
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中文摘要: |
本文基于轴对称灰体火焰的物理假定,运用二维数值积分方法,对含水层油品燃烧过程反馈热辐射以及火焰对环境的热辐射水平进行了估算;同时,本文研究了火焰反馈热辐射对油品燃烧速率的影响,所得结果物理趋势合理。 |
英文摘要: |
The radiative feedback and radiative output of oil pool fires with water substrate were ob-tained on the basis of axisymmetric fiame assumption. Two dimensional numerical integerate waspresented in the calculation The effects of thermal feedback on fuel burning rate were also investi-gated and resonable conclusions were acquired. |
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