A Mathematical Model for Estimating Surface Fire Behavior
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王海晖 中国科技大学 
朱霁平 中国科技大学 
姜伟 中国科技大学 
王清安 中国科技大学 
邵剑 中国科技大学 
中文关键词:  火行为  火蔓延状况特征量  火场状况特征量  估算模型  
英文关键词:Fire Behavior  Characteristic Parameters of Fire Spread  Characteristic Param-eters of Burnt Zone  Model for Estimation  
摘要点击次数: 740
全文下载次数: 1956
      Based on a great number of simulation exporiments of forest fire, and refered the mathemat-ical model in BEHAVE programme,a set of formulas for predicting surface fire bellavior havebeen established in this paper. To ensure a more rensonable fire spreading velocity with a relatively high accurcy,the ef-fect of windspeed and slope on fire spreading velocity are taken in to account with the mehted ofvector superposition. The burnt Zone is assumed to be ellipelti,for extimating the status of burntzone,while the effect of windspeed on burnt zone is also consltiered. Otherwlse,a concept of ef-fective windspeed is introduceed to modify the effect of slope, by converting the effect of slope on burnt zone into corresponding windspod. This model is quantitatively reasonable in comparison with resuIts of wildland tests in GreatXinan Mountains.?更多