高颖仪,杨美和,田年军.林火发生频次的动态数理模型[J].火灾科学,1994,3(2):. |
林火发生频次的动态数理模型 |
The Dynamic Mathematical Model of Forest-fire Occurent Frequency |
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中文关键词: 林火频次 数理模型 波松分布 |
英文关键词:forest-fire frequency mathematical model poisson distribution environmental factor. |
摘要点击次数: 574 |
全文下载次数: 508 |
中文摘要: |
根据大量历史林火个例资料统计,得出林火发生频次的概率函数遵从波松(possion)分布,其中多数λ是森林防火期内每日林火发生的平均值(次)。每日林火发生多少又与当日有无降水量(R)、最高气温(T_14)、最小相对湿度(H_14)、最大风速(V_14)、日蒸发量(M)、日照时数(m)有极好的相关性。为此,据历史资料建立了它们的数理相关方程。于是参数λ便可由实测的火险因子求得。为林火发生预报提出了一个新的思路和方法. |
英文摘要: |
According to large statistical data of historical forest-fire examples,theprobability function to be obtained of forest-fire occurent frequency obey the Poissondistribution,P(x=Y)=(λ/x)e ̄λ.The parameter(λ)is an average of per dayforest-fire happened.The quantitie5 of per day forest-fire have a well-correlation torainfall in the day(R),highest temperature(T14),minimum relative humidity(r14),maximum wind speed (V14),per day evaporation(M)and sunshine hours(m).So themathematical relative equations are established.The parameter λreceived from thepractical measured six factors。A new idea(or method)is provided ofr forest-fireforecast。 |
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