周建军,余彪,严明,黄东林,王清安.燃烧风洞的研制及其燃烧特性研究[J].火灾科学,1994,3(2):. |
燃烧风洞的研制及其燃烧特性研究 |
Manufacture of Combustion Wind Tunnel and Research on Combustibles Combustion characteristic |
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中文关键词: 燃烧风洞 火蔓延 林火模拟 |
英文关键词:Combustion Wind Tunnel Fire Spread Forest Fire Simulate |
摘要点击次数: 543 |
全文下载次数: 856 |
中文摘要: |
本文介绍了为可燃物燃烧特性研究而建立起来的模拟自然环境条件的燃烧风洞设备以及在燃烧设备中进行的模拟火场的火蔓延特性研究。在燃烧风洞中进行的可燃物燃烧实验为林火机理的研究、火蔓延模型的建立提供了实验依据. |
英文摘要: |
his paper introduces the Combustion wind tunnel facilitv for research oncombustion characteristic of combustibles,the facility was manufactured to simulate nature condition,and it was utilized to carry out the research on fire spreadCharacteriStic to Simulate fire field.All the combustion experiments of Combustibles inthe Combustion wind tunnel provides experiments basis for the research of forest fireand established of fire spread theory model。 |
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