李先庭,彦启森.逆流风下火焰沿柱状燃料的传播[J].火灾科学,1995,4(2):1-9. |
逆流风下火焰沿柱状燃料的传播 |
Flame Spreading over a Cylinder Fuel in an Opposed Air Flow |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 |
中文关键词: 逆流风 火焰传播 柱状燃料 火焰熄灭 |
英文关键词:Opposed air flow Flame spreading Cylinder fuel Blowoff |
摘要点击次数: 607 |
全文下载次数: 716 |
中文摘要: |
本文建立了逆流风情况下火焰沿柱状物燃料传播的数学模型,可用于预测火焰的传播速度和火焰结构。该模型包括气相部分的二维稳态动量、能量和组分方程以及固相部分的质量和能量守恒方程。当参考坐标系附在火焰前锋上时,该问题成为一个准稳态问题,且火焰传播速度成为其本征值。文中研究了逆流风速和燃料直径对火焰传播速度及火焰结构的影响。结果表明,火焰传播速度随逆流风速的增大而减小,当逆流风速达到某一临界值时,火焰便会熄灭。在一定逆流风速下,火焰传播速度随燃料直径的增大而减小。 |
英文摘要: |
A theoretical model for flame spread over a cylinder fuel in an opposed air flow is presented that can be used to predict the structure and spreading rate offlame.The model includes steady state,two dimensional momentuin,energy and species equations in gas phase and continuity and energy equations in solil phase. In a reference frame attached to the flame front,the flame spreading rate becomes an eigenvalue for this problem,The relationships betwween flame spread-ing rate and opposed flow velocity and diameters of fuel rod are presented.It is concluded that the flame spreading rate are reduced as opposed folw velocity(u_∞)is increased When u_∞ reaches a critical value,blowoff occurs. The flame spreading rate decreases as the diameter of fuel rod is increased when u_∞ keeps constant. |
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