Sunil K. Sharma,S. K. Srivastava.Smoke Suppession in Ploy (Vivngl Chloribe)[J].火灾科学,1995,4(2):38-51.
Smoke Suppession in Ploy (Vivngl Chloribe)
Smoke Suppession in Ploy (Vivngl Chloribe)
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Sunil K. Sharma (Fire Research Central Building Research Institute ROORKEE (UP) 
S. K. Srivastava Chemistry Thpartment University of Roorkee RpoRKEE (UP) 
英文关键词:Smoke Suppressants  PVC  Metai Based Complexes  Addijives  Fillersand Smoke Measurement.  
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      Polymeric materials are combustible in nature and poly (vtnyl chloride) is no ex-ception. Due to its high chlorine contents it is relatively fiame retardant, hawever be-cause of the processing aids such as plasttcizer etc. this advantage is lost. Duringburning the two main hazards of PVC are Hydrogen Chloride gas and copiousamount of smoke. Dtfferent methods for smoke suppression of polymers are also ap-plicable to the case of PVC. Complexes of dzfferent metal, mixedmetals and metalbased organics are discussed along with other methods of smoke suppression in PVC.Some aspects of smoke measurement have also been covered.