陈存及.中国的生物防火[J].火灾科学,1995,4(3):42-48. |
中国的生物防火 |
The Biological Fire Prevention Research in China |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目: |
中文关键词: 生物防火 生物防火技术 生物防火研究 防火林带 |
英文关键词:Biological fire prevention Biological fire prevention technique Biologica fire prevention research Fire prevention belts. |
摘要点击次数: 514 |
全文下载次数: 747 |
中文摘要: |
中国生物防大的应运而生及推广应用的发展态势表明,南方林区具有相当规模的防火林带正逐步形成生物阻火体系。生物防火工程正在有规划地实施,并纳入林业建设的长远建设规划中。近十多年我国生物防火量化研究不断深入,领域逐步拓宽,生物防火研究的发展又推动生物工程防火技术的发展和创新。中国的生物防火己居世界前列,并正在形成一门边缘学科,这标志着我国森林消防工作登上新台阶。随着我国森林防火现代化的发展,生物防火研究必将会有更大的发展。 |
英文摘要: |
The paper deals with the emergence,application and dissemination of the biologicalfire prevention,its developing trand show that the fire prevention belts on rather largescale are gradually forming the biological fire prevention system in south China forestareas. Biological engineering fire prevention is being performed,and has been broughinto the long-term plan of forestry construction. In the last decade,more and more ex-tensive and thorough quantitative studies of biological fire prevention have been conduct-ed in China and this has in turn promoted the development of the biological engineeringfire prevention technique. Biological fire prevention in China is in the forefront,and ithas gradually become a borderline subject,this in marker of the forest fire prevention inChina reaching a higher step. More and more research results on biological fire preven-tion will be achieved as the forest fire prevention in China moderninges. |
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