聂磊.静电火灾的成因与认定[J].火灾科学,1997,6(1):1-6. |
静电火灾的成因与认定 |
The Cause of formation and Confirmation of The Electrostatic Fire |
投稿时间:2010-11-23 修订日期:2010-12-21 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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摘要点击次数: 674 |
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中文摘要: |
所谓静电火灾,是指静电放电火花引燃可燃气体、可燃液体蒸气等易燃易爆物而造成的火灾或爆炸事故。静电火灾的成因非常复杂,火灾发生往往是各种最不利因素的偶然组合所致,火灾现场又常遭到严重破坏,所以,静电火灾原因的认定很难由火场痕迹和遗留物来取得直接证据,这就给静电火灾调查带来了一定的困难。为了准确地认定静电火灾原因,进一步改善防静电措施,有效地预防静电火灾的发生,本文拟对静电火灾的成因及火灾调查问题作初步探讨。 |
英文摘要: |
Electrostatic fire is dedined as the fire or the explosion brought by the disharge spark of the electrostatic which ignite the inflammables and explosives such as the combustible gas and the combustible steamof the liquid. The cause of the electrostatic fire is very complicate, usually, thefire is the combination of many of the worst factor incidentally, and the fire sence was seriously destroyed. So it is very difficult to get the evdince to detemine the cause of the electrostatic fire accroding to the remainder and the mark of the sence. There are some trobule to investigate this type of fire. This paper discuss the cause of electrostatic fire and the investigation of the fire to delemine the cause of the fire accurately, to improve the way of preventive electrostatic and to avoid the happening of the electrostatic fire. |
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