刘文奎.淮南矿区井下煤炭自燃火灾因素分析及防治措施[J].火灾科学,1998,7(2):14-20. |
淮南矿区井下煤炭自燃火灾因素分析及防治措施 |
The Factor Analysis and Measurements Protecting on the Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Huainan Mine Area |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 井下煤炭自燃条件 因素分析 防治措施 |
英文关键词:Spontaneous combustion condition Factor Analysis Protection measurements |
摘要点击次数: 448 |
全文下载次数: 718 |
中文摘要: |
1990年以来,淮南矿区11个矿井共发生自燃火灾49起,自燃发火率平均为每百万吨产煤量0.53次。通过对该矿区井下煤炭自燃因素和地质条件及开采中出现的自燃发火原因作了具体分析,从中找出发火规律;并对井下煤层自燃发火采取均压通风和直接灭火做了新的尝试,提出了对井下煤炭自燃防治措施 |
英文摘要: |
Spontaneous combustion broke for 49 in the 11 coal mines at Huainan mine area sine 1990. The spontaneous combustion broken ratios average 0.53 times per million ton coal products. Through the special analysis of the coal spontaneous combustion factors, geological conditions and the reasons at spontaneous combustion broken, the laws causing the fires in the area found. Some protecting measurements, such as the techniques of the Zero pressure Differential pressure ventilation, putting out the fire directly tasted. The effects protecting measurements of coal spontaneous combustion in Huainan mine area is also proposed in this paper. |
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