梅宁,程晓舫,束越新,李华军,周晓冬.林火点火源的试验研究[J].火灾科学,1998,7(2):27-34. |
林火点火源的试验研究 |
Experimental Investigation on The Igniting Fire Sources in Wildland Fire |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 红外辐射谱 火焰温度 林火 黑体辐射 |
英文关键词:infrared radiation spectrum flame temperature wildland fire radiation from black body. |
摘要点击次数: 523 |
全文下载次数: 754 |
中文摘要: |
试图通过试验,研究从林火点火源的红外辐射谱特性确定火焰性质的方法。为此,研制了模拟试验台,可以同时测定各特征火焰区的红外辐射谱和平均温度。用普朗克定律和维恩位移定律对试验数据进行了处理。对三种典型的引火源(烟头、树枝和纸)进行研究的结果表明:引火源的辐射特征波长在1.1-2.1um,3.8-4.0um,7.8-8.2um波段内分布,此波长与各火焰区的特征温度存在对应关系。辐射温度随波长变化。在短波长处较低,此结果与将火焰辐射处理成黑体辐射时的普朗克定律大致相符 更多还原 |
英文摘要: |
Provide some significant experimental results for determining some properties of igniting fire sources in wildland fire from their infrared radiation characteristic spectrum. A kind of test bed was developed to simulate the igniting fire.The infrared radiation spectrum and mean temperature in different characteristic fire region were measured at the same time. Planck’s law and Wien’s displacement law were also introduced to treat the experimental results. The results from three representative kinds of igniting fire souces (cigarette end, wood stick and paper) show that the characteristic wavelength of the igniting fire distribute from 1.1um to 2.1um, 3.8 um to 4 um and 7.8 um to 8.2 um, which are associated with the measured mean temperature in different combustion zone of the flame. The emissive power varies with wavelength and is lower at shorter wavelength, which is ruoghly in accordance with Planck’s law when taking the fire radiation as that from black body. |
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