A Study on Catastrophe Model of Flashover
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唐云明 台湾警察大学消防科学研究所 
游家祝 台湾警察大学消防科学研究所 
中文关键词:  火灾  闪燃  尖点突变  通风控制燃烧  燃料控制燃烧  
英文关键词:flashover cusp catastrophe ventilation control fire fuel control fire  
摘要点击次数: 688
全文下载次数: 999
      In recent years, many lives have been lost due to fire catastrophes, so fire specialists worldwide have begun studying the major causes of death in fires. Results show that flashover is the primary cause of fire related loss of life and property. In other word, the timing of flashover (early or late) in a fire’s progression is the basic determinant of building occupants/ ability to exit under limited escape circumstances. Therefore, in order to develop public safety policy, fire specialists focus their research on fire progression, especially before flashover, to discover what conditions help to cause flashover. Whether in real life experience or the full scale fire test, research demonstrates that differences in the fire resistance of building materials effect the characters of fire progression. Due to the development of building techniques and structure regulation over the past ten years in Taiwan, most public buildings are built of fire resistance material; therefore, the study of building fires in this article is limited to “fire in Fire resistance building”.