舒立福,田晓瑞,寇晓军.计划烧除的应用与研究[J].火灾科学,1998,7(3):61-67. |
计划烧除的应用与研究 |
Application and Research of Prescribed Burning and Controlled Burning |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 计划火烧 控制火烧 营林用火 |
英文关键词:prescribed burning controlled burning fire in forest management |
摘要点击次数: 785 |
全文下载次数: 793 |
中文摘要: |
火作为一个重要的生态因子,影响着生态系统的平衡。林火生态是计划烧除的理论基础,计划烧除广科学家应用于营林、生态系统的保护和野生动物的保护等方面。计划烧除包括计划划火烧和控制火烧,因不同的经营目的而采用不同的火烧方式。文中还对林地计划火烧的间隔期和计划烧除的效果与评价作了阐述,并讨论了计划烧除在应用在存在的问题。 |
英文摘要: |
As an important normal environment factor, fire affects the ecological balance. Fire ecology is the theory base of prescribed burning and controlled burning. Burning is widely used in forest management, ecological system and wildlife management. In the paper, it is described the technique of prescribed burning and controlled burning and discussed the interval of burning. Prescribed burning is benefit to some tree species generation, and it can accelerate trees growing. Prescribed burning also affects the temperature and microorganism of soil. Finally, it is showed the porblems of prescribed burning and controlled burning application. |
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