The Construction Effect on Forestry Fire Prevention Engineering System at National Forestry in Fujian
投稿时间:1998-03-30  修订日期:1998-06-15
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陈存及 福建林学院 
梁尚游 福建国有林场管理局 
廖金荣 福建国有林场管理局 
李绍安 福建国有林场管理局 
中文关键词:  森林防火工程体系  四网二化  林火阻隔网络  国有林场系统  福建  
英文关键词:Forestry Fire Prevention System  Four Nets and a Moderization and aspecialization  Firebreak Net  National Forestry Farm System  Fujian  
摘要点击次数: 534
全文下载次数: 627
      Fujian is not only staple forest region in China, but also severely afflicted area of forestry fire. The national forestry farms in Fujian Paid great attention to the construction of forestry fire prevention engineering system. Four nets , which are firecast and forecast net, lookout net, communication net and firebreak net, were constructed at these farms. They accomplished the modernization of fire tods and the specialization of fire crew. Basic installation of forest fire prevention at 110 national forestry farms were remarkably strengthen. In recent years, forestry fire occurrence rate come dowm every year and was never increased the double contral index. The advanced units without foestry fire in 20 or 30 years, are playing a mainstay and an exemplary role in the south forest regions.