Experimental Study on the Behavior of Plywood\=Lining in Room Fires
投稿时间:1998-11-28  修订日期:1999-01-15
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张和平 中国科技大学 
蔡智 安徽省消防总队 
范维澄 中国科技大学 
张军 英国北爱尔兰大学火灾研究中心 
T.J.Shields 英国北爱尔兰大学火灾研究中心 
中文关键词:  全尺寸  室内火灾  复合板  火灾特性  实验研究  
英文关键词:full scale  room fire  plywood lining  fire behavior  experimental study  
摘要点击次数: 471
全文下载次数: 907
      A study on the behavior of plywood lining under a full\|scale room corner fire using ISO room method has been conducted. The behavior of ignition, flame spread and charring the lining as well as the fire growth in the enclosure have been discussed in detail. It was found that for the corner fire scenario four stages existed in the development of the room fire and in all the four stages of the linings responded differently in four distinct regions of the east lining wall and three of the north lining wall. The results showed that flashover did not occur until the lining fire in region 4 took place when the burning lining areas increased considerably and rapidly. The charring results showed two severe burning areas on the lining, one was in region 1 and the other was located along the wall\|ceiling interstices in region 2.