谢之康,李雯,范维澄,王清安.燃烧、爆炸过程复杂性行为的非线性动力学(Ⅰ)[J].火灾科学,1999,8(3):6-13. |
燃烧、爆炸过程复杂性行为的非线性动力学(Ⅰ) |
Nonlinear Dynamics of the Complex Behaviors of Combustion & Explosion Phenomena |
投稿时间:1999-03-05 修订日期:1999-04-01 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金 |
中文关键词: 非线性爆炸学 非线性燃烧学 非线性爆轰学 非线性灾害学、复杂性行为 燃烧向爆轰转化 分叉 突变 混沌 分形、孤立子、符号动力学 |
英文关键词:nonlinear combustion dynamics nonlinear explosion dynamics nonlinear detonation dynamics nonlinear disoster complex behaviors combustion transiting to detonation bifurcation catatrophe chaos fractal shock wave solitary symbolic dynamics |
摘要点击次数: 552 |
全文下载次数: 621 |
中文摘要: |
从非线性动力学观点,总结了燃烧和爆炸系统的多种复杂性现象。指出了其非线性现象之间的对应关系。提出了从非线性即从“系统”、“全局或大范围”、“演化”及“统一”地观点认识燃烧和爆炸现象的观点。并对非线性燃烧学、非线性爆炸学的概念、内涵及体系进行了界定和阐述。针对燃烧-爆炸系统多定态特性及燃烧向爆轰的转化现象,运用分叉理论,提出了其系统的分叉模型和分叉图,提出了燃烧向爆轰转化的分叉机。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the statement that nonlinearity is the essential characteristics of combustion & explosion system, many complex behaviors of combustion and explosion are summarized angling from nonlinear sciences, the corresponding relationships between the complex behaviors and nonlinear phenomena are pointed out. The statement realizing the combustion and explosion phenomena from nonlinearity that is, from systematic , global analysis , evolutionary is proposed. The concepts, means and system of nonlinear combustion dynamics and nonlinear explosion dynamics and nonlinear detonation dynamics are expounded. Counting for the phenomena of combustion (deflagration) transiting into detonation, bifurcation and catastrophe dynamics theories are applied to explain the mechanisms, the bifurcation model and bifurcation chat are also pointed out in this paper. |
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