The Research and Application of the Sustainable Management Technique of Forest Fuel
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舒立福 中国林科院森林生态环境与保护研究所 
田晓瑞 中国林科院森林生态环境与保护研究所 
徐忠忱 黑龙江加格达奇航站 加格达奇165000 
中文关键词:  可燃物  计划火烧  防火林带  防火树种  
英文关键词:Fuel  Prescribed burning  Fire-resistant forest belts  Fire-resistant tree species  
摘要点击次数: 681
全文下载次数: 764
      Sustainable management of forest fuel is the basic of reducing and control over forest fire. The paper states the ways of fire prevention in the base of sustainable management of forest fuel. The mechanism of fire\|resistant forest belts lies three levels. These are fire\|resistant tree species, fire\|resistant forest belts with rational tructure and its fire environment. The crown with flourish branches and leaves can effectively stop fire spreading. The fire\|resistant forest belts with rational structure can easily form the environment, which is unfavorable to fuel burning. The belts also make the fuel discontinuity. The net of fire\|resistant forest belts separate the large area of coniferous forest automatically. Prescribed aburning is to make use of the beneficial effects of fire and control its destructive effects. It improves the habitats of animals and increases the quality and quantity of pasture. Prescribed burning can improve the landscape of forest and prevent plant diseases and insect pests. It also speeds up the growth of trees, increases the soil nutrient and decreases the danger of forest fire. Today prescribed burning has become an important tools in forest and resources management.