路长,林其钊.林火预防与扑救投资的成本效益分析[J].火灾科学,1999,8(4):25-30. |
林火预防与扑救投资的成本效益分析 |
Investment Analysis about Benefit and Cost of Forest Fire Prevention and Suppression for a Special Area |
投稿时间:1998-09-18 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目: |
中文关键词: 投资回报率 防火成本 减灾效益 |
英文关键词:The ratio Investment to return Fire-prevention cost Forest-protecting benefit |
摘要点击次数: 416 |
全文下载次数: 641 |
中文摘要: |
针对某一林区,确定其林火管理目标,以及为达到此目标对林火监测与扑救系统的要求,从而确定森林防火的资金投入。分析了加大森林防火投入前后森林火灾损失与扑救费用的变化。一次性投入资金所建立的森林防火设施也许可以使用若干年,将一次性投入的资金,分摊到森林防火设施的使用期中,将每年所产生的减灾效益换算为现值,以资金现值作为比较基准,研究了防火投入与减灾效益的关系,计算了投资回报率。 |
英文摘要: |
To a specific forest area, the management object is provided for the forest protection, and the corresponding fire\|detection and fire\|extinguished system should be constructed, so the investment is evaluated for protecting the forest. the changes, those of fire losing and fire\|extinguished expense before and after the investment, are estimated. Once the forest protection system is established, only invested in at the initial time, it can serve for many years. To compare with the forest\|protecting benefit, the initial investment is shared equally into every year of its lifetine. On the othe hand, the total forest\|protecting benefit during its lifetime is turned into current value, which work as the benchmark of comparison. Subsequently, the relation of the fire prevention cost and forest\|protecting benefit is studied, and ratio investment to return is calculated. |
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