An Analysis of Smolder Transferring to Flame
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路长 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
林其钊 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
王清安 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  阴燃  有焰火  热边界层  
英文关键词:Smoldering  Flame Thermal boundary  
摘要点击次数: 709
全文下载次数: 819
      阴燃是一种自维持、不断传播的、异相反应的放热燃烧过程。典型的阴燃例子有香烟、地下煤矿的燃烧等。从热安全角度来看阴燃过程 ,不完全的氧化反应和可燃物热解都会产生很多的有毒气体 ,对人造成危害 ;另外在一定的条件下 ,阴燃还会突然转化为有焰火 ,进行更猛烈的燃烧 ,造成更大的破坏。有焰火的出现实际上就是热解析出的可燃气在边界层中被点燃。影响其点燃有三个方面的因素 ,一、边界层中可燃气的浓度 ;二、边界层中氧的浓度 ;三、边界层中传热实现点火能供给。在发生热解和化学反应过程的情况下 ,本文导出了能够出现有焰火的数学表达式。本文所得的结论与 Ohlemiller[1] 、Law,C.K[2 ] 、孙文策等[3] 的实验相一致。
      Smoldering is a kind of self\|sustained, continuous spread, heterogeneous exothermal reaction. The typical examples of smoldering are such as the cigarettes smoking, the burning of underground coal mine. The smokdering materials give out a lot of toxic gas. And in some conditions, smoldering can transfer to flame, become violent burning, and destroy all the combustible materials. Actually, the appearance of flame is the piloted ignition of gas mixture in boundary. There are three factors which effect the pilot ignition, the concentration of combustible gas, the concentration of oxygern, and the energy provided by heterogeneous reaction zone, With the pyrolysis and compulsive convection, the gas and oxygen concentrations fulfil combustion. We concentrate on the heat transfer in the boundary. And the formulation that describes the condition of smolder transferring to flame is deduced in this paper. The solution in this paper corresponds to the experimental observations of Ohlemiller, of C.K.Law and of Sun Wence.