A Study on the Numerical Simulations of the Eigenvalue for Flashover
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唐云明 台湾警察大学消防科学研究所 
卢守谦 台湾警察大学消防科学研究所 
中文关键词:  闪燃  特征值  区划空间火灾  非线性方程  
英文关键词:flalshover  eigenvalue  compartment fire  nonlinear equation  
摘要点击次数: 725
全文下载次数: 802
      建筑物火灾闪燃现象一直受世界研究者之重视。因为它呈现了火势动态行为中一个重要特征。火灾成长期中 ,闪燃可视为一种临界事件 ,如果其发生即代表系统稳定初步失败。为了解如此重要机制 ,本研究回顾了区划空间火灾成长数学公式 ,并另外参考英国爱丁堡大学所发展之统治方程式 ,使用MATLAB软体为工具 ,来求解非线性常微分与火势暂态相关曲线 ,俾发掘出内在可能的行为机制。模拟结果指出 ,闪燃是火势发展过程中温度极具热不稳定性 ,尝参数受到微小扰动下即有可能产生状态极大变化 ;尤其 ,透过特征值可以发现系统何时丧失稳定性。另外 ,本文也当试针对台湾92 1地震后使用之组合屋作实验性火灾模拟 ,研究结果不仅计算出该型建屋之单一特征值 ,而且也模拟出火势发生时之特征值曲线 ,来显示出热物理之演化过程。
      Flashover is an important event in building fires whereby always to engage in approach target around the fire specialists worldwide, which represents a significant character at fire dynamic behavior. Within the growth,flashover is a critical event often dictating stable incipient failure. In order to investigate the internal mechanism of flashover,this paper reviewed mathematical models of compartment fire growth. Besides the systematic model of the project will refer to the governing equations developed by Center for Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications and University of Edinburgh,U.K. and will be solved using the MATLAB computational software to analyze nonlinear of ordinary differential equations,to explored the internal mechanism of flashover.\;Results show that flashover is very thermal instability during a compartment fire. In particular,the concept of eigenvalue has been employed in order to find the conditions, which cause a system to lose stability. Besides,research continues to apply the combinations constructions used in the 921 Taiwan earthquakes at disaster area for fire dynamical simulations. The results obtained that eigenvalue to not just calculate at a single point but to calculate the ‘eigenvalue profile’ showing variation with a physical parameter.