Ultrasonic CT Measurement of Temperature inside a Vessel
投稿时间:2001-12-03  修订日期:2001-12-27
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朱宁 静冈理工大学机械工学科 
邱榕 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
加藤征三 三重大学工学部机械工学科 
中文关键词:  超声波CT  传播时间  容器内非破坏性温度测量  
英文关键词:ultrasonic CT  propagation time  nondestructive temperature measurement inside tank  
摘要点击次数: 611
全文下载次数: 828
      本研究的目的是建立一种应用超声波CT原理测量容器内温度分布的非破坏性检测方法。为了详细描述超声波穿过铝管的传播过程 (铝管内装满水 ) ,基于FDM (有限差分方法 )编制的计算机源码用于计算机模拟 ,计算模拟结果与测定的超声传播时间相当吻合。同时 ,建立了一套温度测量的实验装置 ,以测定管道内的平均温度和温度分布 ,在温度分布测量中 ,CT技术被用于测量管道内的对称温度分布。结果显示整个测定系统的测量误差不超过±2度.
      The main purpose of this study is to establish a new nondestructive method by using the principle of ultrasonic CT (Computed Tomography) for measuring temperature distribution inside a vessel like a pipe or a tank. In order to elaborate the process of the ultrasonic wave propagation through the aluminum pipe, inside which is full of water, a set of computer code based of LDM(Limited Differential Method) is designed for computer simulation and the simulation results show good agreement with the measured ultrasonic propagation time. An experiment system is established for temperature measurement. Both the average temperature and the temperature distribution inside the pipe are measured. For the temperature distribution measurement, the CT technique is introduced to measure the symmetry temperature distribution inside the pipe. It is found that the measuring error for the whole measuring system is not more than ±2℃.