从北华,廖光煊,刘江虹.细水雾抑制熄灭室内火灾的有效性模拟实验研究[J].火灾科学,2002,11(3):152-156. |
细水雾抑制熄灭室内火灾的有效性模拟实验研究 |
Experimental Investigation of Suppression Effectiveness of the Fire in a Confined Space with Water Mist |
投稿时间:2002-04-21 修订日期:2002-06-26 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目: |
中文关键词: 细水雾 受限空间 灭火有效性 |
英文关键词:water mist confined space effectiveness of suppression |
摘要点击次数: 474 |
全文下载次数: 855 |
中文摘要: |
采用模拟实验的方法 ,通过改变实验条件 ,研究室内不同种类固体可燃物 ,处于不同的位置时 ,细水雾的灭火有效性。研究发现 :当火源位于细水雾的作用范围内时 ,灭火时间较短 ,灭火性能较高 ;当火源位于细水雾的防护区域之外时 ,灭火有效性显著降低。增加细水雾的流量可以减少灭火时间。但是对一定功率的火源 ,存在临界流量 ,超过了临界流量 ,再增加细水雾的流量 ,并不能有效减少灭火时间。因此设计细水雾灭火系统时 ,应当优化上述影响因素 ,达到最佳的灭火性能. |
英文摘要: |
In this article, simulation experiments were conducted to study the effectiveness of water mist suppression of the fire located various positions as to different kind of materials in a confined space. The results showed: when the fire was in the water mist working range, the extinguishing time was shorter and effectiveness was higher, but when the fire was out of the water mist working range, the effectiveness would decrease rapidly. And there existed critical water flow rate for a given power fire. It’s not necessary to use more than a certain quantity of water flow rate, as it does not increase the efficiency of fire suppression system. So when designing water mist suppression, we should be very care of these factors. |
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