田晓瑞,舒立福,王明玉.1991~2000年中国森林火灾直接释放碳量估算[J].火灾科学,2003,12(1):6-10. |
1991~2000年中国森林火灾直接释放碳量估算 |
Direct Carbon Emissions from Chinese Forest Fires, 1991~2000 |
投稿时间:2002-10-05 修订日期:2002-11-18 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:国家重点基础研究专项经费资助项目(2001CB409600);国家"十五"攻关资助项目(2001BA510B09) |
中文关键词: 中国 森林火灾 释放 估算 |
英文关键词:China forest fires emissions estimate |
摘要点击次数: 760 |
全文下载次数: 819 |
中文摘要: |
目前的研究表明生物圈的燃烧产物对大气有短期和长期的影响,植被燃烧会直接排放对环境有显著影响的气体,包括CO2和CH4等影响全球变化的温室气体,燃烧产生的固体颗粒物也会引起空气污染和影响天气。该文根据1991~2000的森林火灾统计数据和生物量研究结果,计算出我国森林火灾年均消耗森林地上生物量5Tg~7Tg,直接排放碳20.24Tg~28.56Tg,释放CO2和CH4分别为74.2Tg~104.7Tg和1.797Tg~2.536Tg,排放烟雾颗粒物0.999Tg~1.410Tg。1991~2000年森林火灾每年平均排放CO2量占我国总排放量(按2000年计算)的2.7~3.9%,CH4排放量占总排放量的3.3~4.7%。 |
英文摘要: |
Many studies indicated that the products of biomass burning affect the atmosphere in short and long term. Vegetation burning can produce some gases, which have significant affections on environment, including some greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and CH4 etc. Smoke aerosols produced from biomass burning also change global climate and atmospheric chemistry. The paper calculates the consumed biomass due to forest fires according to the statistics of forest fires from 1991 to 2000 and research results of Chinese forest biomass. During the study period, forest fires burned average 5~7Tg biomass each year and directly emitted carbon 20.24~28.56 Tg, CO2 74.2~104.7 Tg, CH4 1.797~2.536 Tg,smoke aerosols 0.999~1.410 Tg. In 1991 2000, average emission of carbon dioxide accounts for 2.7~3.9% of the total emission of China (using the data of 2000), CH4 3.3~4.7%. |
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