The Experimental Study of the Propagation of Gas Explosion Flame Influenced by Water Sprays
投稿时间:2002-09-20  修订日期:2002-11-10
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刘暄亚 安徽理工大学化学工程系 
陆守香 安徽理工大学化学工程系
秦俊 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  水雾  火焰结构  抑制  
英文关键词:water sprays  flame structure  mitigation  
摘要点击次数: 676
全文下载次数: 761
      In this paper, propagation of the gas flame under different water sprays conditions and its interaction with water droplets have been investigated. The experiments were conducted in a transparent rectangular flame tube with a set of water sprays devices. The photodiodes and digital video camera were employed to record the flame propagation. The principia and conditions of the gas flame mitigation by water sprays were discussed through the investigation of the flame propagation velocity, flame front behavior of gas flame propagating and flame structure. The results indicate that the temperatures of the combust reaction zone which decline because of the heating absorbed of the water droplets in the flame reaction zone weaken the combusting reaction and prolong the preheating of the flame front and retard the process of mass transferring and heat transferring in the flame front. The mitigation of the gas explosion by water spray is related to the spray discharge velocity, the size of water droplets and the velocity of the flame propagation.