陈爱平,乔纳森·弗朗西斯.McCaffrey等估计轰燃前火灾温度方法的改进[J].火灾科学,2003,12(2):58-65. |
McCaffrey等估计轰燃前火灾温度方法的改进 |
Modification of McCaffrey et al’s Method of Predicting Pre-flashover Fire Temperature |
投稿时间:2003-03-08 修订日期:2003-03-28 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 轰燃前火灾温度 内衬材料热惯性 线性回归 有机玻璃 |
英文关键词:Pre-flashover fire temperature Thermal inertia of lining materials Linear correlation PMMA |
摘要点击次数: 573 |
全文下载次数: 917 |
中文摘要: |
在估计室内轰燃前火灾温度的多种方法中,McCaffrey等人提出的方法比较典型。该文根据内衬材料的热惯性对室内火灾的重要影响,在大量实验数据的基础上,对McCaffrey等人提出的这一方法进行了初步和理论上的改进;结合室内火灾的控制因素,对有机玻璃火灾的回归结果进行了进一步改进,提出了估计室内轰燃前火灾温度的新方法。 |
英文摘要: |
Among various methods of predicting compartment pre flashover fire temperature, McCaffrey et al’ method is very typical. In this paper, according to the important effects of thermal inertia of lining materials on the behaviors of compartment fires, and basing on great mass of experimental data of compartment fires, McCaffrey et al’s method was modified preliminarily and theoretically. In addition, combining with the control factor of compartment fires, the further modification of correlating results for the experimental data of PMMA fires was made, and a new method of predicting compartment pre flashover fire temperature was put forward. |
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