黄鑫,刘江虹,廖光煊,陆强.气泡雾化细水雾灭火有效性实验研究[J].火灾科学,2003,12(3):160-164. |
气泡雾化细水雾灭火有效性实验研究 |
Experimental Study on Fire Extinguishing Effectiveness of Water Mist Produced by Effervescent Atomizer |
投稿时间:2003-03-05 修订日期:2003-04-30 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:973项目(No.2001CB409600)资助 |
中文关键词: 气泡雾化 细水雾 雾场特性 灭火有效性 相互作用 |
英文关键词:effervescent atomization water mist water mist field characteristics extinguishing effectiveness interaction |
摘要点击次数: 825 |
全文下载次数: 970 |
中文摘要: |
气泡雾化技术是一种双流体的细水雾发生方法。作者根据气泡雾化的雾化机理自行设计了一种气泡雾化喷嘴,并通过先进的实验诊断手段和模拟实验,对该喷嘴产生的细水雾的雾场特性进行了测量,研究了其熄灭煤油火和酒精火的有效性,为发展新型的细水雾发生方法积累了必要的实验数据。 |
英文摘要: |
Effervescent atomization is a new method of producing water mist Based on fluid mechanics of effervescent atomization we designed an effervescent atomizer The current paper tried to use advanced measuring method and simulative experiments to measure water mist field characteristics produced by effervescent atomizer and study effectiveness and its influencing factors of application in cleanly and good efficiency fire suppression systems of the new method of twin fluid atomization These developed a new technique path for new method of producing water mist. |
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