周允基.应用FDS软件对零售店铺火灾的数值模拟[J].火灾科学,2004,13(1):18-27. |
应用FDS软件对零售店铺火灾的数值模拟 |
Application of the Software Fire Dynamics Simulator in Simulating Retail Shop Fires |
投稿时间:2003-09-10 修订日期:2003-10-09 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 零售店铺火灾 数值模拟 FDS软件 |
英文关键词:Retail shop fire Fire Dynamics Simulator Numerical simulation |
摘要点击次数: 660 |
全文下载次数: 639 |
中文摘要: |
客运总站等大空间建筑物中的小零售店铺通常会堆放许多可燃物。在此类建筑中都安装用于整个大厅的机械排烟系统似乎不太可行。因此,在店铺中建造了包括水喷淋以及排烟等主动式消防系统的屋顶,着火时挡板将落下封闭店铺。此时应关注在封闭的小空间内发生轰燃的可能性。如果店铺没有完全封闭,烟气可能会扩散到店铺以外的空间。文中用火灾场模拟软件FDS3.1模拟了消防系统启动前店铺内的火灾环境。模拟的结果将有助于评估制定的消防安全条例以及相关的设计参数。研究结果证实了如果着火的店铺没有完全封闭,更大的烟气羽流将会在店铺以外的大空间中形成。此外,文中还对控制店铺火灾用的排烟系统及水喷淋系统的性能进行了评估。 |
英文摘要: |
Many combustibles are stored in small retail shops in big halls such as public transport terminals. It might not be feasible to provide dynamic smoke exhaust for the entire hall space in some terminals. Therefore, a roof was constructed above the retail areas with active fire protection systems including sprinkler and smoke exhaust systems provided inside. In case of fire, the shop will be enclosed by barriers. However, there are some concerns on the possibility of having flashover in such a small enclosed retail shop. Smoke might spread out from the shop when it is not completely sealed. The fire field model Fire Dynamics Simulator FDS 3.01 available in the literature will be applied to study the fire environment of retail shops before operating the fire protection systems. This will give some useful information in assessing the decision made on the fire safety provisions and the associated design data. It is confirmed that a bigger plume will be formed for the case with a shop roof, if it is not completely sealed. Further, performance of smoke extraction system and sprinkler system in controlling a small shop fire is evaluated. |
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