Application of the Software Fire Dynamics Simulator in Simulating Retail Shop Fires
投稿时间:2003-09-10  修订日期:2003-10-09
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周允基 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系 
中文关键词:  零售店铺火灾  数值模拟  FDS软件  
英文关键词:Retail shop fire  Fire Dynamics Simulator  Numerical simulation  
摘要点击次数: 654
全文下载次数: 628
      Many combustibles are stored in small retail shops in big halls such as public transport terminals. It might not be feasible to provide dynamic smoke exhaust for the entire hall space in some terminals. Therefore, a roof was constructed above the retail areas with active fire protection systems including sprinkler and smoke exhaust systems provided inside. In case of fire, the shop will be enclosed by barriers. However, there are some concerns on the possibility of having flashover in such a small enclosed retail shop. Smoke might spread out from the shop when it is not completely sealed. The fire field model Fire Dynamics Simulator FDS 3.01 available in the literature will be applied to study the fire environment of retail shops before operating the fire protection systems. This will give some useful information in assessing the decision made on the fire safety provisions and the associated design data. It is confirmed that a bigger plume will be formed for the case with a shop roof, if it is not completely sealed. Further, performance of smoke extraction system and sprinkler system in controlling a small shop fire is evaluated.