Characteristics of Coal Spontaneous Combustion and Its Control in Gob Area of Fully Mechanized Caving Working Face
投稿时间:2004-03-31  修订日期:2004-05-19
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卢平 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
鲍杰 江苏天能集团公司 
韩德明 江苏天能集团公司 
吴超 江苏天能集团公司 
廖光煊 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  综放开采  采空区  煤自燃  漏风  阻化  
英文关键词:Fully mechanized caving  Gob area  Coal spontaneous combustion  Air leakage  Inhibition  
摘要点击次数: 518
全文下载次数: 646
      In mining of the fully mechanized caving working face 7201, some factors which affect the normal mining speed must be taken into consideration, including: the seam is prone to spontaneous combustion, the working face passes fault and the length of working face becomes larger during the mining process. Based on the theoretical analyses and experimental studies, the position of high temperature resource in the gob area was determined. Coal spontaneous combustion was effectively prevented due to some comprehensive measures including: pressure-equalizing ventilation technology, injecting inhibitive solution by strike horizontal long bores in the roof, building air stoppings, retardant solution spray technology by aerosol and pre-injecting inhibitive solution in coal pillars. Through the above comprehensive measures, coal spontaneous combustion in the gob area was effectively prevented and the safety mining goal for easier spontaneous combustion coal seam with fully mechanized caving was achieved. The study results give a beneficial guide to other analogical top-coal caving safely.