勒自兵.火灾事故后果评价方法在LNG储罐发生BLEVE爆炸上的应用[J].火灾科学,2004,13(4):256-261. |
火灾事故后果评价方法在LNG储罐发生BLEVE爆炸上的应用 |
Study On the Evaluate Method and Fire Protection of the LNG Storage causing bleve |
投稿时间:2004-08-27 修订日期:2004-09-26 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: LNG储罐 BLEVE爆炸 火灾 后果评价 |
英文关键词:liquid natural gas storage BLEVE fire consequence assess countermeasure |
摘要点击次数: 540 |
全文下载次数: 749 |
中文摘要: |
介绍了LNG储罐站的发展背景和现状;采用火灾事故后果分析方法建模,分析计算了LNG储罐站发生BLEVE爆炸所产生的火球直径、持续时间、提升高度、热辐射能量、冲击波破坏的范围、火灾爆炸事故对人及周围设施破坏的程度等;提出了在我国开展此类工程评估工作过程中的一些观点和设想 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, firstly, the development background of LNG, and basisof BLEVEare introduced. Secondly, based on the construction characteristics of LNG storage station, the safety objective, the identification of risk and the design of fire scenes are conducted. Then, the fireconsequence analysesmethod is adopted, the fireball diameter that caused by explosion, the lasting time, the lift highness, the energy of thermal radiation, the destroyrange caused by blast, damage degree to the surroundingpopulation and property are calculatedby the mathematicsmodel. Finally, the tables or charts based on the data are drawnout, and then the evaluation result is proposed, with some assumptions put forward for the developing of such assessment in our country. |
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