A Study on Developing Fire Retardant HIPS Nano-composites
投稿时间:2005-08-30  修订日期:2005-09-25
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尤飞 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
石王莹 山东防火产品质量检验站 
胡源 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  高抗冲聚苯乙烯  DBDPO/E-Antimony  MMT-C16BrN  热释放速率  协同效应  
英文关键词:high impact polystyrene  DBDPO-Antimony  DBDPE-Antimony  MMT-C16BrN  nanocomposite  heat release rate  synergistic effect  
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      本文运用一步熔融共混法制备了含有十溴联苯醚(DBDPO)或十溴二苯乙烷(DBDPE)和C16改性蒙脱土(MMT)的高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)复合材料,并采用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)、UL 94垂直燃烧和锥型量热等试验手段对其燃烧性能和相态进行了表征。结果标明,DBDPO/E存在时仍可获得具有插层结构的HIPS纳米复合材料。由于十溴和蒙脱土两种体系间的良好协同效应,这些材料的阻燃性提高、燃烧后的热释放速率下降。文中对其潜在机理进行了探讨。这种协同效应可用于指导发展环保性和阻燃性兼顾的HIPS纳米复合材料。
      High impact polystyrene(HIPS) composites containing both Decabromodiphenyl oxide(DBDPO) or 1,2-bis(pentabromophenyl) ethane(DBDPE)-antimony(Sb2O3) and Montmorillonite(MMT)-Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(C16BrN) flame retarding packages were prepared by one-step melt blending in one-pot.X-ray Diffraction(XRD),Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM),Underwriters Laboratory Vertical Burning Test(UL 94 V) and cone calorimeter tests have been conducted to characterize the morphology and combustion properties of the flame retardant composites.Results show that HIPS-based nanocomposites with intercalation structure in the presence of conventional DBDPO or DBDPE can be obtained,and much improved fire retardancy displayed by the notable reduction in heat release rates is achieved due to the good synergistic effect between MMT-C16BrN and DBDPO or DBDPE-antimony.Possible explanations regarding the synergism were proposed.This effect provides evidence for the reduction use of halogen-contained flame-retardants in one composite system for the purpose of lowering the production cost and lessening unwanted environment effects and is very meaningful for the development of green ecological polymer-based flame retardant composites.