CFD Simulation of the External Burning in the Compartment Fire
投稿时间:2006-02-28  修订日期:2006-04-07
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姜玉曦 清华大学航天航空学院 
任玉新 清华大学航天航空学院 
刘秋生 清华大学航天航空学院 
中文关键词:  火灾安全  外部燃烧  火灾模拟  
英文关键词:Fire safety  Fire simulation  External venting flame  
摘要点击次数: 560
全文下载次数: 894
      External burning is the spread of the un-burning fuel of the compartment fire via the openings of the room and burning out of the openings.The risk of the phenomena is great because it will cause the secondary fires and cause the spread of the fire from the origin room to other rooms.The purpose of this work is to investigate the external burning using the Fire Dynamics Simulator(FDS) code developed by the Building and Fire Research Laboratory at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology(NIST),US.First FDS code is verified by simulating the external burning experiments of Bullen and Thomas.The numerical results of the contours of the external temperature,the height of the flame and the distance of the flame tip to the fa ade accord well with the experiments’ results at the similar excess fuel factor.Secondly,the effects on external burning flame of the window’s shape and the fuel mass loss rate are studied.When the fuel mass loss rate is large enough so that excess fuel factor in the room is close to 1,the fire in the compartment would be extinguished and the external burning flame would be elongated and spread along the fa ade wall.