杨志,周凯元,谢立军,刘庚冉.Z型管道中气体火焰传播规律的实验研究[J].火灾科学,2006,15(3):111-115. |
Z型管道中气体火焰传播规律的实验研究 |
Experimental Study of Flame Transition in the "Z" Type Tube |
投稿时间:2006-03-20 修订日期:2006-06-27 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 可燃气体火焰 爆轰 非稳定爆轰 爆燃 “z”型管道 |
英文关键词:flame of combustible gases detonation unsteady detonation deflagration "z" type tube |
摘要点击次数: 640 |
全文下载次数: 1125 |
中文摘要: |
本文实验研究了丙烷/氧气/空气的当量比气体燃烧火焰通过两个90°弯管形成的“z”型管道的传播规律,通过改变第一个弯管前加速段的长度和改变气体浓度,实验研究了稳定爆轰波,非稳定爆轰波以及爆燃火焰通过“z”型管道的传播规律。利用光电传感器记录弯管前后的火焰传播速度,运用燃烧理论和爆轰波的理论对实验结果做了分析。结果表明:稳定爆轰波通过“z”型管道时传播速度有明显的下降;但“z”型管道对非稳定爆轰波的传播作用受到非稳定爆轰波自身速度的影响;爆燃火焰通过“z”型管道时火焰传播速度的变化呈现不确定性。 |
英文摘要: |
Propagation characteristics of flame in propane-oxygen-air mixtures through a tube with two sharp-angled 90?bends was studied in this paper experimentally. By varying the run-up distance and the mass percentage of combustible gases, this paper studied the propagation characteristics of detonation, unsteady detonation and deflagration through "z" type tube. The experimental results indicated that the velocity of detonation through "z" type tube decreased significantly; the change of velocity of unsteady detonation through " z" type tube depends on itself; the variation of velocity of deflagration through " z" type tube shows uncertainty. |
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