Fire Radiation Effect on Steel Member at Elevated Temperature in Large Space Fire
投稿时间:2006-08-16  修订日期:2006-09-29
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杜咏 南京工业大学建筑与城市规划学院 
李国强 南京工业大学建筑与城市规划学院 
中文关键词:  辐射传热  火焰辐射  大空间建筑火灾  
英文关键词:Radiation heat transfer  Fire radiation  Large space building fire  
摘要点击次数: 532
全文下载次数: 1334
      Large space build has wide ranges of space dimension.Heat radiation from fire to wall or member has great changes as space dimension variation.Estimating fire radiation correctly is very important for calculating temperature rise in steel structural elements.The formula of heat absorption net capacity including fire radiation can be derived from analyzing the influence factors of fire radiation and heat exchange between external environment and steel member.The numerical solution of elevated temperature of steel member can be derived from substituting the heat absorption net capacity equation into heat equilibrium equation which bases on the lumped differential formulation.Then the critical radiation shape factor of fire radiation affected on steel member can be determined.Simplified approach of temperature rise in steel member bases on the critical radiation shape factor and estimates the temperature rise in steel member accurately and convenience.