赵文化,单海滨,钟儒祥.基于MODIS热红外辐射的归一化差异火点指数NDTI研究[J].火灾科学,2007,16(1):31-36. |
基于MODIS热红外辐射的归一化差异火点指数NDTI研究 |
A new model for the MODIS fire detection:The Normalized Difference Thermal Index(NDTI) |
投稿时间:2006-07-24 修订日期:2006-11-27 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
基金项目:广州市卫星遥感林火实时监测系统资助项目(2004Z3-E0041,2004-2006) |
中文关键词: MODIS 火点指数 火灾监测 NDTI |
英文关键词:MODIS Fire detection NDTI |
摘要点击次数: 486 |
全文下载次数: 1441 |
中文摘要: |
本研究使用MODIS红外辐射遥感数据在分析了异常热点光谱辐射特性的基础上,提出一个新的火情监测模型NDTI火点指数,并通过几起较大森林火灾对该模型进行了分析和验证,给出了该监测模型的详细算法。这种双通道比值指数和NDVI一样具有衰减仪器噪声和抵消常规大气影响的优点。研究表明,4μm火点辐射通道和11μm背景分量通道的组合突出了火点信息,选择合适的NDTI门限,NDTI指数能够准确检测火点,识别率可达到93%。根据对实时接收轨道的有限实测,由于使用极少的数据集数学运算操作,NDTI模型比MODIS推荐火情算法在计算速度上快两倍以上。EOS MODIS探测器具有多光谱和高光谱以及对热点监测动态范围宽的特点,MODIS的下一代多光谱探测器NPOESS NPP VIIRS同样继承了MODIS的优势,为NDTI算法模型提供了广阔的应用前景。 |
英文摘要: |
In this study,based on analyzing the characteristic of the hot spot spectral radiance using related MODIS bands data,a new model named Normalized Difference Thermal Index(NDTI) was developed for the fire detection and monitoring.The algorithm of this model was discussed and given in details.Further well,the NDTI model was validated through a day fire case and a night fire case occurred in Heyuan China.Like NDVI,This dual-channel ratio index has the advantages that could attenuate conventional equipment noise and atmospheric effects.Research shows that the combination of fire radiation Channel 4 μm and 11 μm background components highlight the fire spots information access,by choose an appropriate NDTI threshold,the fire pixels could be accurately detected,the recognition rate can reach 93%.The NDTI may be widely used on sensor of the EOS-MODIS,NOAA-AVHRR,GOES-VAS,future NPP-VIIRS,future Chinese FY3 and more. |
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