陈伟红,徐晓楠,吴勇强,闫琪,舒中俊.阻燃剂对棉布和地毯热解燃烧性能的影响研究[J].火灾科学,2007,16(2):96-100. |
阻燃剂对棉布和地毯热解燃烧性能的影响研究 |
Effect of Retardent on the Pyrolysis and Combustion Behaviors of Cotton Fabric and Carpet |
投稿时间:2006-01-28 修订日期:2007-03-28 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 热解 热释放速率 阻燃剂 海水 |
英文关键词:Heat release rate Pyrolysis Retardent Seawater |
摘要点击次数: 444 |
全文下载次数: 1257 |
中文摘要: |
研究了氢氧化铝和三聚氰胺氰尿酸盐对棉布和地毯热解和燃烧行为,考察了阻燃剂添加量对棉布和地毯点燃时间、热解速度和火焰持续时间的影响,并利用锥形量热仪测定了添加阻燃剂前后材料在点燃时间、热释放速率、质量损失速率和CO释放速率的变化,结果表明海水中添加10%的Al(OH)3和MCA可显著降低棉布和地毯的热解速度及热释放速率。 |
英文摘要: |
Effect of Al(OH)3 and MCA on the pyrolysis and combustion behaviors of cotton fabric and carpet were investigated after dipping in seawater.The thermal decomposition,ignition time and flame sustaining time of cotton fabric and carpet with different additives were tested,and the effects of additive on the ignition time,heat release rate,mass loss rate and yields of carbon monoxide of cotton fabric and carpet at 50kW/m2 were studied by means of cone calorimeter.The results indicated that the heat release rate and mass loss rate were obviously decreased after Al(OH)3 and MCA were added,and the effectiveness of MCA was distinctly higher than Al(OH)3 in spite of the fact that the carbon monoxide in combustion products was increased slightly. |
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