Study of Rectangular Kerosene Pool Fire Combustion Characteristics
投稿时间:2007-12-18  修订日期:2008-01-26
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孙志友 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
庄磊 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
陆守香 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  油池火  燃烧速率  池壁  火焰高度  火焰脉动  
英文关键词:Pool fire  Lip  Burning Rate  Flame Height  Fire Pulsation  
摘要点击次数: 869
全文下载次数: 3451
      实验研究了无风条件下正方形煤油池火的燃烧特性,包括燃烧速率、火焰高度和火焰脉动频率等。正方形油池边长分别为0.2 m,0.4 m,0.6 m,0.8 m,油池壁面高度均为0.13 m。利用图像处理技术分析了油池火火焰高度,并在此基础上建立了获取火焰脉动频率的两种方法。研究发现,油池壁面高度的存在使油池火的燃烧速率低于理论值;燃烧速率实验值与油池特征尺寸(d/L)呈单调递减关系;较小尺度油池的平均火焰高度与理论预测值比较接近,但较大尺度油池的平均火焰高度明显低于理论预测值;油池壁面的存在使油池火脉动频率低于理论值;随特征尺度(d/L)的增加火焰的脉动频率范围加大,脉动不稳定加剧。
      Burning behaviors of rectangular kerosene pool fire were investigated under quiescent ambient condition.Four different sizes of kerosene pool fire,with side lengths of 0.2 m,0.4 m,0.6 m,0.8 m,all with a lip height of 0.13 m,were used in experiments.Flame height was analyzed using image processing technique and two methods for extracting flame pulsation frequency were developed.The results show that,due to the effect of the lip,the experimental pool fire burning rate is lower than the estimated value and monotonously decreases with increase of the characteristic dimension(d/L).For smaller-size pans,the lip seems to have no effect on time-averaged visible flame height,whereas the flame height for larger pans is obviously lower than the prediction value.Compared with the theoretical prediction,the flame pulsation frequency has a lower experimental magnitude.As the characteristic dimension d/L increases,the range of the flame pulsation frequency turns wider and the instability of flame puff intensifies.