A study of Pyrolysis Characteristics of Decorative Wallpaper
投稿时间:2007-09-29  修订日期:2008-04-09
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高亚萍 中国人民武装警察部队学院消防工程系 
中文关键词:  壁纸  热解特性  TGA  动力学参数  
英文关键词:Wallpaper  Pyrolysis  Kinetic parameter  TGA  
摘要点击次数: 345
全文下载次数: 634
      文章利用TGA851e型热重分析仪对装饰用壁纸在不同升温速率(10、15、20℃/min)、气氛(氮气、空气)、空气流速(10、30、50 ml/min)条件下的热解特性进行了研究。通过研究发现,样品的热解失重与样品的组成成分有关,总失重为各成分失重叠加的结果。增大升温速率使主要热解阶段初始热解温度和最大失重速率对应的温度升高,热解反应速率增加;并且随着升温速率增加,TG曲线向高温区移动。在对气氛的比较中发现,氧气的参与使热解机理发生改变,反应提前,热解速度增快,反应更彻底。而空气流速的增加相当于氧气的输送量增加,新输入的氧气使反应后气体被及时排出,热失重速率提升,反应速度加快,样品在该环境中的火灾危险性增加。通过对样品TG和DTG曲线的计算,求出了各阶段的活化能和频率因子。结果表明,氮气气氛下随着升温速率加快,活化能增加。
      The pyrolysis characteristics of decorative wallpaper are studied by thermogravimetric analysis(TGA) technology under various combinations of different heating rates(10,15,20 ℃/min),atmospheres(nitrogen,air) and air flow rates(10,30,50 ml/min).The results indicate that the pyrolysis weight loss of the materials is strongly dependent on their compositions.The total weight loss is the sum of the weight losses of every ingredient.The initial temperature of the primary pyrolysis stage and the temperature corresponding to the maximal weight loss rate increase with the increase of heating rate.As the heating rate increases,TG curves shift toward the high temperature zone.As to the influences of atmosphere,it’s found that the presence of oxygen can alter the mechanism of pyrolysis,leading to lower beginning pyrolysis temperature,faster pyrolysis rate,and more complete reaction.The increase of air flow rate will supply more oxygen to the reaction zone and dispel the gas products from the materials,which will accelerate the reaction,increase the rate of weight loss,thus raising the fire hazardous level of atmosphere.The activation energy and prefrequency factor were determined from the analysis of TG-DTG curves.The calculation results show that in nitrogen atmosphere,the activation energy increases with the increase of heating rate.