Experimental Studies on Cabin Fire under Sprinkler and Mechanical Smoke Exhaust
投稿时间:2008-04-06  修订日期:2008-06-18
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游宇航 重庆市消防总队长寿支队 
霍然 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
李元洲 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  水喷淋  机械排烟  小室火灾  控火  灭火  全尺寸实验  
英文关键词:Sprinkler  Mechanical smoke exhaust  Cabin fire  Controlling fire  Extinguishing fire  Full-scale burning test  
摘要点击次数: 606
全文下载次数: 1321
      Full-scale burning tests were carried out to study cabin fire under sprinkler and mechanical smoke exhaust.Smoke temperature and CO concentration in cabin were obtained.Results showed,some critical combinations of the pressure and fan extraction rate were found on controlling or extinguishing the fire.Smoke temperature in cabin could be reduced in effect under sprinkler to suppress flashover,but much smoke mixed with vapor was produced.Smoke temperature in cabin descended continuously under extinguishing fire,but remained stable during a period of time,then descended slowly under controlling fire.After sprinkler was operated,CO concentration increased sharply.There were two peaks under controlling fire,but one peak under extinguishing fire.The pressure of sprinkler was the key factor,and the fan extraction rate was the secondary factor.The effects of these two systems were contrary.CO production rate increased with increasing sprinkler pressure,and decreased with increasing extraction rate of the fan under controlling fire.All these offered the basic experiment data for the design of cabin’s sprinkler system and mechanical smoke exhaust system in large space building.