支援,王平,刘义祥,胡建国.利用SEM-EDS分析火场中白炽灯灯丝通电状态[J].火灾科学,2009,18(1):39-44. |
利用SEM-EDS分析火场中白炽灯灯丝通电状态 |
Analysis of SEM-EDS of incandescent lamp filament debris |
投稿时间:2008-09-06 修订日期:2008-10-30 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 灯丝 通电状态 X射线能谱分析 火灾 |
英文关键词:Incandescent lamp filament EDS Electrify station Fire |
摘要点击次数: 421 |
全文下载次数: 1262 |
中文摘要: |
该文模拟火灾现场中白炽灯破坏的不同情况,制备普通白炽灯在不同状态下破坏的灯丝残骸试样,利用扫描电子显微镜-X射线能谱仪分析灯丝残骸表面的微观形貌及其元素组成含量。研究发现,通电状态下被破坏的白炽灯灯丝表面与未通电破坏状态下灯丝表面的元素成分差异较大。经过高温或烟熏的作用,灯丝表面成分也有变化。鉴于不同破坏条件下灯丝表面成分及含量存在明显的差异,可以利用能谱分析的方法判断火场中白炽灯的通电状态。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper,the incandescent lamp filament debris is prepared by different means to simulate the filament debris in fire.The surface composition of filament debris is analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray EDS.It is found that the surface composition of electrified incandescent lamp filament debris is different from the original ones.Under the effect of smoke and high temperature from the imitate fire,the surface composition of electrified filament differs greatly from that of filament not in electrified.Because of the obvious differences in the surface composition of filament,EDS can be used to determine the electric situation of incandescent lamp in fire. |
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