Analysis and research of fire disaster based on EOS remote sensing spectrum channel performance and monitor examples
投稿时间:2009-11-14  修订日期:2009-02-08
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黄慰军 新疆气候中心 
黄镇 新疆气象台 
黄刚 新疆人工影响天气办公室 
王蕾 新疆气候中心 
中文关键词:  新疆  火灾遥感监测  MODIS  通道性能  光谱数据分析窗  
英文关键词:XinJiang  Fire disaster by remote sensing monitoring  MODIS  Performance of channels  MODIS spectral data analysis window.  
摘要点击次数: 501
全文下载次数: 684
      选取十个新疆EOS卫星火灾遥感监测实例,对它们的MOD IS光谱数据和实际监测过程,从理论到实践进行的深入分析研究表明:MOD IS与火灾有关各通道的性能有差异,在近红外波段:7通道优于6通道;在中红外波段:21通道最好;在远红外波段:31通道略优于32通道。由RGB 7.2.1通道合成影像可发现火场;利用21-31通道差,可判定火场,但当中红外各通道不饱和时,则应选择20-31通道差。截取MOD IS光谱数据分析窗,是判定和分析火场最有效的手段。火点判识参数(阈值)要根据气候和地理的不同来调整,灵活准确的调整参数是发现火点的关键。截取7、21通道的光谱数据分析窗,可以判断火势位置和移动方向。截取21-31通道光谱数据分析窗,计算火区像元数,即可估算即时火场面积。
      In this paper,the author selected 10 examples of fire disaster by EOS / MODIS(Earth Observing System/ Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) in Xinjiang for fire disaster research.Based on their MODIS spectrum data and the actual monitor process,the analysis indicates that various channels of MODIS hold different performance for fire monitoring.Channel 7 surpasses Channel 6 in near-infrared wave band,while in the middle-infrared wave band Channel 21 is the best.It is also found that in far infrared wave band Channel 31 slightly surpasses Channel 32.Fire sites can be found from MODIS tri-channel(7.2.1) composite images.By using difference between Channel 21 and Channel 31,we can identify the sites.But when Infrared Channels are not saturation,using difference between Channel 20 and Channel 31 is more effective.Intercepting MODIS spectral data analysis window is the most effective means to judge and analyze fire sites.Fires identification parameters(threshold) should be adjusted by the different climate and geography.It is the key of finding fire sites to adjust parameter flexibility and accurately.By intercepting 7,21 channel’s spectrum data analysis windows,the fire intensity position and the travel direction can be judged.By intercepting 21-31 channel’s spectrum data analysis windows and calculating the pixels in the fire district,the instant fire area can be estimated.