Comparison of mechanical behavior of 16Mn steel and application of material models under different stress-temperature paths
投稿时间:2009-11-06  修订日期:2009-11-25
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屈立军 中国人民武装警察部队学院 
李焕群 中国人民武装警察部队学院 
中文关键词:  Q345钢  恒温加载  恒载升温  临界温度  热-力路径
英文关键词:Q345 steel  Steady state test  Transient test  Critical temperature  Stress-temperature path
摘要点击次数: 417
全文下载次数: 640
      为评估和分析钢结构的耐火性能,以我国10个钢厂生产的Q345钢的424次恒载升温试验和152次恒温加载试验结果为依据,对钢材强度和应变以及不同的热-力作用路径下的力学性能进行对比研究。结果表明,在所有热-力作用路径下,恒载升温试验的强度最小,应变最大,临界温度最低;恒温加载试验的强度最大,应变最小,临界温度最高。随温度升高,热-力作用路径对钢材的力学性能影响增大:在450℃以下影响较小,在500℃以上时影响显著。如果规范采用恒温加载试验强度,是不可靠的。恒载升温条件下的ε-T-k材料模型和恒温加载条件下的ε-k-T材料模型均不能单独用于超静定钢结构的性能分析。超静定钢结构的性能分析可把火灾过程离散为若干时段,把每个时段分解为两个独立的应变-温度过程和应变-应力过程,分别应用恒载升温条件下的ε-T-k和恒温加载条件下的ε-k-T材料模型进行分析,然后迭加计算以得出最后的应变。 更多还原
      To evaluate fire resistance of steel structure, based on experimental research results of 424 times transient tests and 152 times steady state tests, strain-stress-temperature material model, model of total process modulus of elasticity under steady state tests and model of critical temperature under transient tests were established. Q345 steel specimens came from 10 factories in China. The mechanical behaviors of steel were compared under different stress temperature paths. The results show that in all stress-temperature paths, yield strength is lowest, strain is largest and critical temperature is lowest under transient test. On the contrary, yield strength is highest, strain is smallest and critical temperature is highest under steady state. With temperature rising effect of stress temperature path to mechanical behavior of steel increases: below 450℃, the effect is lower, but higher above 500℃. If the strength of steel under steady state test is used in codes, that will be unreliable. The material model ε-T-k in transient tests and ε-κ-T under steady state tests can not be directly applied to performance analysis of statically-indeterminate steel elements. In performance analysis of statically-indeterminate steel elements a fire process can be separated into some short passages in which two parts are divided, i.e. strain-temperature and strain-stress process. Model of ε- T-k under transient tests can be applied to strain-temperature process, and model of ε-κ-T under steady state tests can be applied to strain-stress process, then repeated addition calculation can be carried out so as to get final strain.