Experimental Study on Suppression of Methane Explosion with ultra-fine Water Mist
投稿时间:2010-03-05  修订日期:2010-03-18
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谷睿 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
王喜世 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
许红利 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:  甲烷爆炸  抑爆  爆炸延迟时间  超细水雾
英文关键词:Methane explosion  Explosion suppression  Explosion delay time  Ultra-fine water mist
摘要点击次数: 513
全文下载次数: 701
      用自行设计的三面透明的细水雾抑制甲烷爆炸的实验装置,研究了不同体积超细水雾对不同浓度甲烷爆炸的抑制现象。运用Giga View高速摄影观察了超细水雾抑制甲烷爆炸的过程,并且对现象进行了分析。采用四个E12-1-K型快速响应热电偶获取超细水雾抑爆过程中四个不同位置的温度变化情况,并且讨论了甲烷浓度和超细水雾体积对爆炸延迟时间的影响。实验结果表明,超细水雾对甲烷爆炸的抑制效果是与水雾的体积和甲烷浓度紧密相关的。初步确定了超细水雾抑制甲烷爆炸的临界体积。
      Suppression of methane explosion has been investigated experimentally in this paper. Different concentrations of methane explosion and different volumes of ultra-fine water mist were considered. A Giga View High-speed camera was used to visualize the processes of methane explosion suppression with ultra-fine water mist, and the phenomenon in the process was analyze& Four E12-1-K type fast response thermocouples were used to obtain the temperature history of methane explosion suppressed with ultra-fine water mist. The effects of methane concentrations and ultra-fine water mist volumes on explosion delay time are discussed. The results show that the suppressing efficiency of the methane explosion with ultra-fine water mist is related to both of the water mist volume and the methane concentration, and a critical volume value of ultra-fine water mist for suppressing methane explosion is primarily determined.