Studies on Setting Principles and Assessment Process of quasi-safety Zone about Firefighting in Urban Integrated Transport Hub
投稿时间:2010-07-05  修订日期:2010-09-18
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肖春花 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
姚斌 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室 
刘跃红 深圳市公安局消防局 
刘文 深圳市地铁有限公司 
左剑 深圳市公安局消防局 
中文关键词:  综合交通枢纽  换乘大厅  火灾安全  准安全区  设置原则  评估流程
英文关键词:Integrated transport hub  Transfer hall  Fire safety  Quasi-Safety zone  Design principle  Assessment process
摘要点击次数: 387
全文下载次数: 641
      For needs of practical functions, the transfer hall in integrated transport hub is often designed as a large space structure, which is usually designed as a Quasi-Safety Zone, because it is beyond the requirements concerning areas of fire district and distance of fire safety evacuation in fire codes. However, currently the fire safety of Quasi-Safety Zone is mainly testified by performance-based fire prevention method with no more uniform design criteria. In this paper, for different heights of headroom, ratios of areas of natural exhaust openings to floor area, adjacent distance, and single opening area were extensively considered to achieve the design requirements of transfer hall as a Quasi-Safety Zone. The design principles and assessment process were proposed. The research results can be directly used for fire design and evaluation in integrated transport hub and similar structures.