Experimental Study on full-scale Fire of Temporary Houses
投稿时间:2010-04-16  修订日期:2010-07-22
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包光宏 公安部四川消防研究所 
卢国建 公安部四川消防研究所 
王炯 公安部四川消防研究所 
中文关键词:  活动板房  火灾  材料  可燃物
英文关键词:Temporary houses  Fire  Materials  Combustible
摘要点击次数: 635
全文下载次数: 570
      By two fire tests in temporary houses, this paper analyses the selection of roofing materials and wall materials, the control of indoor combustible material, the spacing of temporary houses, setting fire baffles between temporary houses and fire-resistance of overall structure. In the selection of roofing materials, we suggest the use of Single-color plate + Flame Retardant EPS foam + Gypsum board ceiling. For the partition wallboard between adjacent rooms, we suggest to select double color steel composite rock wool board and select double color steel flame-retardant EPS composite board for other wallboards. For indoor combustible materials we should pay attention to the control of types, quantities and the distributions. The spacing between temporary houses should be widened, and the span of the front of the house roof should be shortened. The side of the adjacent building set fire baffles can effectively prevent the spread of flame with significant fire resistance effect. It is found that the overall structure of temporary houses have certain feature of fire resistance.