花荣胜,李元洲,匡萃芃,唐飞,祝实.多种气压条件下甲醇池火燃烧特性的实验研究[J].火灾科学,2011,20(2):81-86. |
多种气压条件下甲醇池火燃烧特性的实验研究 |
Experimental studies on the combustion characteristics of methanol pool fire under various pressure conditions |
投稿时间:2011-02-11 修订日期:2011-03-24 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.年.期.顺序 |
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中文关键词: 多种气压条件 油池火 燃烧速率 火焰高度 羽流中心温升 |
英文关键词:Pressure Pool fire Burning rate Flame height Plume centerline temperature |
摘要点击次数: 678 |
全文下载次数: 740 |
中文摘要: |
通过自行研制的低氧低压模拟试验箱开展了小尺寸甲醇油池火燃烧实验,研究了在多种气压条件(40kpa、45kpa、55kpa、65kpa、75kpa、85kpa、100kpa)下的油池火燃烧特性参数的差异。实验发现,一定情况下,甲醇燃烧速率随着气压的升高而升高,呈现幂函数关系;火焰高度和火焰面积从低压开始先随着气压值的升高而升高,当达到一定的气压值后就会随着气压值的升高而降低;随着气压升高,羽流中心温度下降的幅度变缓。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper,small size of methanol pool fire experiments were carried out in a self-designed low oxygen and low pressure experiment devices,and the combustion characteristics under different pressures(40kpa,45kpa,55kpa,65kpa,75kpa,85kpa,100kpa) was compared.It is found that the burning rate of methanol increases with the atmosphere pressure,and the variation could be well fitted by a power function.The values of flame height and flame area would increase with the rising of the atmosphere pressure,until reaching the turning point,and then decrease.When the pressure increases,the plume centerline temperature drops slowly. |
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