Temperature calculation of uniformly insulated steel members in fire (I): theory and formulae
投稿时间:2011-11-30  修订日期:2011-11-29
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李国强 同济大学 
张超 同济大学 
中文关键词:  火灾  匀质防火保护  钢构件  温度计算  一维传热理论  不同公式
英文关键词:Fire  Uniformly insulated  steel members  Temperature calculation  One-dimensional heat transfer model  Different formulae
摘要点击次数: 533
全文下载次数: 621
      One-dimensional heat transfer model for calculating the temperature of uniformly insulated steel members in fire is introduced. The solutions of the model by different approaches with different boundary conditions and assumptions are given. The temperatures of three steel sections insulated by three typical fire proofing materials are investigated. The results of steel temperatures calculated by different formulae given in different codes which include Chinese code CECS200, Eurocode, European Steel Committee, American code and others, are compared with the numerical results predicted by FEM. Comparing with other codes, CECS200 gives consistent and slightly conservative results. The minimum fire protection thickness of three type steel sections under different fire resistance ratings are determined by different codes. Different codes give consistent results. Results given by CECS200 agree well with those by other codes, and fit perfectly well with results given by Eurocode. The study shows that the formula given by Chinese code can give acceptable results in standard fire calculations, and the formula is given in a simple form which is convenient for practical usage.