Temperature calculation of uniformly insulated steel members in fire (II): use in real fires
投稿时间:2011-11-30  修订日期:2011-12-29
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张超 同济大学 
李国强 同济大学 
中文关键词:  实际火灾  匀质防火保护  钢构件  温度计算  不同公式
英文关键词:Real fire  Uniformly insulated  steel members  Temperature calculation  Different formulae
摘要点击次数: 759
全文下载次数: 691
      The formulae recommended by codes in different countries are originally derived in the standard fire which only includes heating phases, however, real fires have both heating and cooling phases. This paper investigates the applicability of the current formulae for calculation in real fires. Case studies are conducted to investigate the parameters for different real fires, different insulation thicknesses, different sections and different fire proofing materials. Comparing with FEM results, the formulae recommended in Chinese code give good predictions. The study also shows that the treatment adopted by eurocode to avoid negative steel temperature increment in early heating phase, for which if the calculated steel temperature increment is negative then the increment is taken as zero, is not suitable for real fires, because it will lead to over-predictions of the maximum steel temperature and steel temperatures in cooling phases. Overall, the formulae given in Chinese code are recommended for calculation in real fires.