Comparison of the fire resistance limits of foamed concrete and concrete
投稿时间:2011-10-18  修订日期:2011-11-24
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基金项目:河南省重点科技攻关(082102230032); 河南省教育厅自然科学基金(2008B560005)
杨小芳 河南理工大学基建处 
于水军 河南理工大学安全科学与工程学院
高岩 河南理工大学基建处 
张朋飞 河南理工大学安全科学与工程学院
中文关键词:  泡沫混凝土  耐火极限  抗压强度损失
英文关键词:Foamed concrete  Fire resistance limit  Strength loss
摘要点击次数: 898
全文下载次数: 819
      Foamed concrete is used in architectural energy conservation and thermal insulation engineering, and its fire performance is very important for the fire resistant ability of building. In simulated fire conditions, the compressive strength values of foamed concrete and concrete were measured and compared in different densities, calcining time, and water contents, in order to investigate the fire resistance limit of foamed concrete. The results show that the compressive strength and the loss rate both decrease with foam density. When the foamed concrete was calcined at 800℃ for 20min, the compression strength loss rates were respectively 66.3% and 25.5% for foam densities of 300kg/m3 and 800kg/m3, and the values were 18.6% and 15.8% for densities of 2200kg/m3 and 2400 kg/m3, respectively. Higher water content leads to longer fire resistance limit for both foamed concrete and concrete. When the foamed concrete is used for building external wall material and is subject to fires, its compressive strength will decrease due to high-temperature calcination. However, the fire resistance limit of this material can meet the standard “Code of Design on Building Fire protection and prevention”.