Time-dependent heat and mass transfer model and experimental study on the hot surface evaporation process of liquid fuel
投稿时间:2012-05-06  修订日期:2012-06-12
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易祥烈 海军工程大学船舶与动力学院 
邱金水 海军工程大学船舶与动力学院 
刘伯运 海军工程大学船舶与动力学院 
中文关键词:  蒸发  时变性  热质传递  浓度分布  温度场
英文关键词:Evaporation  Time-dependent  Heat and mass transport  Concentration distribution  Temperature field
摘要点击次数: 1157
全文下载次数: 863
      Targeted on time-dependent characteristics of the heat and mass transfer process during the process hot Surface evaporation of liquid fuel, considering the convective heat and mass transfer of the process, a heat and mass transfer model of hot Surface evaporation of liquid fuel has been built. Through dimensionless transformation, ultimately the Time-dependent spatial concentration distribution and temperature field variation have been obtained. Set n-Heptanes as experimental object, an experimental study on hot Surface evaporation of liquid fuel has been carried out. The theoretical analysis and experimental results have shown that in the evaporation process of n-Heptanes, Lewis number was greater than one; Heat transfer rate is greater than the mass transfer rate, the mass loss led by evaporation is directly proportional to the square root of time, the area of liquid surface, and the square root of Mass diffusion coefficient. The greater the volatility of liquid fuel is, the greater the evaporation rate was. The calculation results of the liquid fuel evaporation model are roughly consistent with the experimental results, which show the validity of the model.