Technological development of new gaseous fire extinguishants
投稿时间:2013-03-02  修订日期:2013-03-22
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杜建科 中国人民武装警察部队学院, 廊坊 065000 
中文关键词:  气体灭火剂  筛选标准  试验方法;筛选策略
英文关键词:Gaseous fire extinguishant  Screening criteria  Test method  Screening strategy
摘要点击次数: 589
全文下载次数: 671
      In order to improve the fire performance of halon replacements, and to reduce the relevant adverse effects to environment, new type gaseous fire extinguishants should be developed. The screening criteria and classification methods of performance have been proposed for ideal gaseous fire extinguishant. The basic strategy and screening process of new type gaseous fire extinguishing agent are discussed. The developing history is examined by contrasting the performance of some fire extinguishants. The technical status for the flame extinguishing concentration, atmospheric lifetime, and dispersion effectiveness of gaseous fire extinguishants is highlighted. The toxicity analysis methods for fire extinguishants are also introduced to analyze the decomposition and combustion products. It is concluded that the screening test methods and database of performance should be established, and the scientific system of performance forecast must been developed, so that excellent fire extinguishants can been identified from a large number of chemicals.